So now that we are officially in December and we are all fully in the swing of opening our advent calendars, I think even the scrooges out there will agree it is now completely acceptable for me to dedicate an entire blog to Christmas at Code A Weld! If you are anything like me you will be so excited for the run up to Christmas by spending your days off watching Christmas films on repeat, I mean, who doesn’t like Elf? “Santa I know him!!!”
Sitting in the office there is an interesting mix of people who talk A LOT about Christmas (me!), and those who would much rather ignore it. I sit next to Adam in accounts, who doesn’t believe in the Christmas hype until Christmas Eve (cotton-headed ninny-muggins!), so I do enjoy winding him up by talking about Christmas all the time which I’m sure really annoys him!
So, this week I have a big announcement for you all: the office Christmas tree is up!! For those who read last week’s blog, will know that us girls in the office were hoping for an upgrade on the office Christmas tree. Unfortunately, we didn’t fair too well and still have the pop-up tree but on the plus side, it literally took 2 minutes to assemble! Locating it in our new office was a bit trickier though as it was actually stored away in the workshop which required Nigel climbing a ladder to get it down for us, phew! Finding a place in the office took some deliberation too as we were a bit limited on free plug sockets, but finally we all decided where it should go and it now stands shining next to our printer.

Secret Santa is well underway with many of us trying to sneakily ask questions to our recipient to try and get ideas of what they may like. Emilee, by process of elimination, has figured out who is buying for who; there’s always one isn’t there? The presents which come with a budget of £10.00, are being exchanged on the last week before Christmas so speaking for myself, I better get my thinking cap on!
A lot of the office buzz is also focused around our work’s Christmas party. Us girls are of course discussing outfits, no surprises there, whilst the guys seem excited about going out to the local bars afterwards for a few drinks. Bearing in mind the party is on a Thursday night, so those working the next day may want to take it steady!
So now that Christmas is finally here at Code A Weld, the next thing we are looking forward to is the arrival of tubs of chocolates which get sent to us by companies we work with, so keep them coming like last year please!
Hope you have enjoyed this week’s Christmas catch-up and that you are also getting into the Christmas spirit! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who voted for Code A Weld in the Welding World Awards, we are all very excited to hear the results in 2018!
Look forward to next week’s blog where I will be sharing my second staff profile with you all. Who will it be…?

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