Hi everyone and welcome back to this week’s blog. Ok, so hands up if you have already decided on your New Year’s Resolutions? If your hand is firmly in the air, then you are doing much better than me! I must admit this is the one tradition I tend to ignore. I think it’s the fact that most people’s traditions tend to be completely unoriginal, opting for the usual: get fit, eat less chocolate, drink less alcohol, etc etc, blah blah blah…
Anyway, this January, being a fairly different January now that I am publishing weekly blogs, I thought it would be a great addition to this page to publish Code A Weld’s three New Year’s Resolutions. I can promise you that they fall into the original category; also ‘dry January’ probably isn’t an appropriate one for the workplace!
So, without further ado, I am pleased to present our three New Year’s Resolutions:
1. To keep our new office and laboratory sparkling.
It’s as simple as that really! Often in the workplace it is far too easy to forget to treat it like your home, owing to the fact you often have lots of other things on your mind such as tending to emails and phone calls. Taking care of our work surroundings reflects on not only the type of company we are, but also the pride we have for the companies we work for. If you missed all the goings on of our recent office and laboratory move you can catch up here.

2. Expand on the services we offer to our customer base.
This is an exciting one and one which goes hand-in-hand with our new, larger office and purpose-built laboratory. There are several important services we are working on behind the scenes which, once complete, will further streamline and sophisticate our offerings we provide to our customers. All will be revealed soon, so watch this space… (not teasing you at all!)

3. To enable all staff to flourish.
Now this is an important one that was discussed in a past managerial meeting. This again also sounds simple and obvious, but it’s surprising how easily this can be overlooked by a vast deal of companies relating to multiple sectors. Now it’s an incredibly easy one to fix and the rewards have no boundaries. In order to have happy satisfied, customers, you need staff who are driven to achieve just that. By allowing your staff to use their initiative, it is giving them the confidence to truly excel and enjoy their role. Having worked at Code a weld for over 3 and a half years, I honestly can say I have grown in many ways and have learned a variety of skills I didn’t know existed, blogs included; my English grades left much to be desired!
So there you have it… some Resolutions which Code A Weld will be further building upon this year! If you have a New Year’s Resolution which is actually original then I applaud you and I would love to read them, so please comment below.

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