Hello everyone and welcome to the first official staff profile, which will be a regular feature on the blog! Here you will get to learn a little more about the names and faces that some of you will already recognise.
First up we have Dan Perry who is our N.D.T Manager…
Name: Daniel Jack Perry
Age: 29
Job Role: Non-Destructive Testing Manager (N.D.T. Manager)
Length of Service: I have worked at Code A Weld since the age of 17 but did have a little break in-between.
Work Nickname: Dom Perignon
Care to say why: A few years ago on a work night out, I bought a bottle of Dom Perignon and since then that has been my nickname amongst a few members of staff; plus it sounds a little like my name! (On behalf of myself and everyone else at Code A weld, we are all looking forward to this at our work’s xmas party Dan!)
What skills do you need for this N.D.T. manager role?
Qualifications relating to Non-Destructive Testing goes without saying, but I believe a lot of patience and good organisational and people skills is very important. We often visit several customers a day, so time management is a must.
What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
As part of the N.D.T team I get to work on various projects and I really love being involved in different sectors such as oil & gas, aviation, nuclear, and rail; every day is always something different.
And the most challenging?
Trying to manage Adam Garlick and his often cheeky personality!
Any funny work stories you can recall?
None that are appropriate for this blog… (Cryptic!)
Before working at Code A Weld, what was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had?
I have always done N.D.T since the age of 17 so I haven’t had any unusual jobs. I first started at Code A Weld on work experience and I progressed from there. During that time, I also worked in the laboratory and workshop, which I think has definitely helped by having an understanding of other departments within Code A Weld.
Any annoying habits in or out of work?
Most people would probably say my loud singing!
How do you relax when you are not at work?
I enjoy spending time with my little girl, tinkering with my car and visiting the gym 3-4 times a week!
Tell us something not many people know about you:
As my Uncle works as a stuntman, I was an extra on James Bond Skyfall! I even got to meet Daniel Craig and was involved in the same scene as him.

What is on your bucket list?
To work and travel in Canada and the USA. I would also like to own a supercar (Audi R8) before I am 35.
Quick Fire Round…
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Sausages or bacon? Bacon
Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? Personal Chef
Going out or staying in? Staying in
Movies or books? Movies
Saver or spender? Saver
Sky dive or bungee jump? Sky Dive
Bond or Bourne? Bond, of course! (he has to say that!)
I really hope you enjoyed reading about Dan ‘Dom Perignon’ Perry! To read more into the N.D.T services we offer at Code A Weld then please contact us today.

01761 410410