Hello and welcome back to this blog’s second staff profile. This week I have been quizzing Code A Weld’s Group Quality Manager, Mrs Nicky Jones – not to be confused with a Mr… read on to find out why!
Name: Nicky Jones
Code A Weld Age: 10 Years 10 months
Job Role: Group Quality Manager
Work Nickname (if you have one): I have been given a few names from different people, some I probably shouldn’t repeat here – ha! Nickel Alloy (short story, I used to be Nicky Allen prior to getting married). Most recently I am being called Nicky Nacky Noo Noo.
What skills do you need for this group quality manager role?
Patience and lots of it! No, I think you need a good eye for detail and to be able to prioritise work efficiently. Being able to work on your own initiative but also being able to work as part of a team.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Working with so many great people. We all get along and it is like an extended family.
And the most challenging?
Keeping on top of audit schedules to ensure that actions are completed by their deadlines.
Any funny work stories you can recall?
Getting phone calls for a Mr Allen/Jones as everybody who hasn’t spoken to me before assumes I am male.
I do remember one year we had snow, we were watching people out of the office window trying to turn the corner. All of a sudden, our very own Clive Slocombe is driving down in the BMW after picking others up. He tried to turn into the estate but the car had other ideas and just kept going straight ahead and up onto the grass verge, just missing the sign. We all had to go out and help push the car off in fits of laughter!
Before working at Code A Weld, what was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had?
Well the most unusual would be working at a garage whilst I was studying Motor mechanics and Engineering at College but, the most interesting would be working briefly at Paul Nicholls Racing Stables with my sister.
Any annoying habits in or out of work?
Unfortunately I am a bit of a singer… but not a very good one. I do sing with a twist as I like to make my own words up. A single word can trigger me to instantly think of a song and then god help who ever is near by! (Ear plugs are needed in this office!)
How do you relax when you’re not at work?
I love to go out for long walks with my husband and our dogs, which does really help you to relax. Although that’s probably the only thing as my other hobbies are not quite so relaxing.

So, what are you non-relaxing hobbies?
We have horses and we take our mini ones out and compete which is great fun but exhausting. I also go to an exercise class which is something a bit different – Pole Fitness. I know many people immediately think of a strip club but it is completely different and offers great benefits such as building core strength and toning. It is also a great confidence booster, plus we get to have loads of fun. It’s not just for ladies, I often try to convince some of the guys to give it a go too!!

Tell us something not many people know about you:
I used to own a 1978 Ford Mustang (T-top). Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore but I did keep the badge. It was a massive project and at the time I didn’t have the funds to restore it. Hopefully maybe one day I will get another.
What is on your bucket list?
To go to Hawaii
To see Orca’s in the wild as I have been a massive fan since I was a kid
Quick Fire Round
Tea or coffee? Both – tea at home, coffee at work, of course
Sausages or bacon? Sausages
Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? Personal fitness trainer
Going out or staying in? Staying in
Movies or books? Movies
Saver or spender? Spender
Sky dive or bungee jump? Sky dive
Halloween or Christmas? Halloween
I hope you enjoyed reading all about our very own Mr Nicky Jones (joking!). Please comment below who you would like my next staff profile to be about!

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