With winter well and truly here and dare I say it the start of Christmas, there is definitely an air of excitement here in the brand-new Code A Weld office. With Christmas tunes starting to become more regular on the radio and our secret Santa’s chosen (Shh! It’s a secret!), a big priority is of course the Code A Weld Christmas tree. Us girls in the office are hoping to have an upgrade on our previous ‘pop-up’ tree so keep your fingers crossed for us and all will be revealed soon; although without naming any names, some would rather this isn’t discussed until Christmas Eve!
Anyway, for any Scrooge’s reading this, you will be pleased to know that I am moving away from the Christmas topic and want to share with you our recent office party.

Not long after moving in we got the whole team together to enjoy drinks and nibbles and let’s just say the beer went down very well! It was an opportunity to share in our successes with Emilee Walton winning employee of the month for her undoubted commitment and by going the extra mile by becoming Code A Weld’s moving van and doing numerous shuttle trips of office furniture!
It was also an opportunity for Adam Gould to give us a greatly enjoyable pep talk on housekeeping and ensuring we keep our sparkling new office sparkling; in all fairness the talk was needed!

After the pep talk we had time to mingle with other team members, many who often work out on site every day, so it was nice to have a good catch up with everyone! I had my youngest daughter in tow and she was completely overwhelmed by everyone and spent the whole time buried in my shoulder!

So, although, we have now been in the office a few weeks, there is still work going on to further improve our new unit. Our meeting/conference room has just gone through a make over, which is just as well really as I don’t think we could possibly take the paint fumes any longer! All joking aside though, it is great to have a more private area where we can welcome guests to the building for meetings and discussions.

We have new building signs which have recently gone up leading clients to our reception area and goods in.

We have brand new sofas on order for our offices and social room and even Code A Weld branded door mats are on their way.
So, as you can see there is still lots going on which will only make Code A Weld Head Office an even more brilliant place to work.
And to quote Adam from his pep talk:
“Code A Weld is the leading inspection and testing centre in the U.K., lets have a head office that reflects this.”
Hope you enjoyed this week’s office move update and thanks to Sarah for taking lots of photos! With so many exciting things happening I’m so pleased I am able to share this with you all!

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