Hi everyone and welcome back to this week’s blog post! Today’s topic is one which I asked for a little input from Code A Weld’s team of Inspectors, so keep reading as you may see some familiar faces!
What I wanted to write for you this week is all about how our Inspectors try to put you, the welder, or your team of welders at ease. The inspiration for this post came from some great feedback we received from a client recently, which centred around how by building a good rapport with the welders, our Inspector was able to ensure the welder was feeling relaxed allowing for him/her to operate to the best of their ability. The vast majority of us have gone through an examination of some kind, so I can only imagine how nerve wrecking it must be to perform a complex weld test whilst having somebody standing over you, watching and recording every tiny detail.

As you can see from the above piece of feedback (amazing, right?) this is just one example of how on the day, our Inspector has exceeded our client’s expectations. So, let’s hear from some of the team who have kindly provided me with the tips and tricks they use to ensure everybody has a great day when Code A Weld arrives for a visit…
“Its not ever easy taking a test, sitting an exam or being audited. Whilst I am here to do a job and am technically the examiner, please do not worry. Yes, I’m here to ensure all the rules and regulations are adhered to, but I am not here to put added pressure on to you. I’m in your environment in your workplace, it should be me feeling nervous! Take your time, relax, take breaks when you want to take breaks, ask me any questions you want about what I’m doing and what my role is and together we will get through the day fine.”
Adam Gould, Head of Inspection
“I try to tell them that all I am asking them to do is what they do day in day out. I’m not here to try and trick them or get them to do anything that they haven’t done before. I’m just there to act as a referee to ensure that they are following the rules.”
Ian Allwood, Welding Inspector
I just try to make the welders feel at ease and show them that I am just another human who hates being tested too! I often tell them how I felt when I get audited or when I take my CSWIP examiner exams (read more about Neil’s day here) to relate to them with feeling nervous.
I explain not to do anything different to what they do day in day out and try to ignore that I am even there! Easier said than done”
Neil Hitchens, Welding Inspector

I’m sure you have all had an experience of having a scary examiner, which frankly, doesn’t help anyone. What I can tell you from working with Code A Weld’s Team of Inspectors, is that they are a genuinely great group of guys who you will put you, the welders, at ease. To read more about the Weld Procedures and Qualifications we offer, then please click here or call 01761410410 to discuss your requirements.
So that’s it for this week’s blog! I hope you have enjoyed this further insight into life as a Welding Inspector; they aren’t all scary… promise!

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